Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop - Program 1 - Oil

Products 1
2 Hour Color DVD

Using techniques of the old masters as well as contemporary methods, David Dunlop brings you a wealth of information, demonstrations, encouragement, tips, and insights in this 2-hour DVD. Learn new methods to dramatically improve your eye, your composition, painting and you landscapes. David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you to a lake in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to demonstrate several finishing techniques which could be applied to a painting.
$39.95 Add to cart 
  • Enjoy David's Unique Intergrative Approach to Art
  • Explore Composition and Design
  • Learn Techiques of the Masters
  • Learn Composition and Design
  • Vist Beautiful Locations
  • Explore Color Mixing Techniques

Section 1
Products 1
David's Studio - Introduction to Landscape Painting/ Composition of Old Masters
This program opens in David Dunlop's Connecticut studio. He gives a brief but informative history of landscape painting throughout the ages and a discussion of the structure of specific paintings by a pantheon of landscape artist greats. (12 minutes)

Section 2aProducts 1
Out in the Field - Selecting the Scene for the Painting
David then takes us to visit a lake in the Connecticut countryside to paint a plein air painting He discusses his thoughts when choosing a scene for a painting, and outlines his steps for designing the painting. As David says:"Your painting is a poem, not a police report."

Section 2bProducts 1
Out in the Field - Design and Sketching the Scene
He discusses the structure and design of the painting and demonstrates a drawing of his design. David then paints his plein air painting of the scene, demonstrating many painting techniques for shaping, toning and creating texture in a painting.

Section 3
Products 1

Painting Foliage, Water and the Sky
He specifically focuses on an Old Master technique of reductive painting, which permits the painter to retain great luminosity and a wide variety of brushstrokes to create a more interesting painting. He completes this painting within an hour. (65 minutes)

Section 4

Back in the Studio - Finishing Techniques
We then return to David's studio to watch his demonstration of techniques used to finish the painting in the studio.Throughout the program David continues a running commentary of his thoughts, techniques, and theories in a highly informative, inspiring and entertaining manner. (approx 45 minutes)

Section 5

Painting Morphing Section
The program includes a painting morphing sequence which shows the evolution of the painting by showing slides of the painting at various stages. (approx. 3 minutes)


Four Art Instruction DVDs
Painting Landscapes with David Dunlop
Four Different DVDs - Each DVD contains approx. 2 hours of painting instruction.
Using techniques of the old masters as well as contemporary methods, David Dunlop brings you a wealth of information, demonstrations, encouragement, tips, and insights in this aapproximately 2-hour DVDs. Learn new methods to dramatically improve your eye, your composition, painting and you landscapes. David begins in his studio and diagrams several master paintings. He then takes you tovarious locations in Connecticut where he diagrams the scene and completes a plein air painting. He returns to his studio to demonstrate several finishing techniques which could be applied to a painting.

All 4 DVDs
Set of any 3 DVDs
Each Individual DVD
Buy Digital Download of Program 2 - Acrylic